About Beach Nana
Robin North
Author | Musician | Creative
Hi, I’m Robin, aka Beach Nana.
I grew up on the shore and have a heartfelt connection to the beach. When a career move brought me inland I spent every vacation for the next 35 years getting back to the coast.
After busy careers, my husband and I retired, sold our home, bought an RV and, for the next seven years, we traveled near and far. My constant companion (other than my husband!) was my ukulele. In every city and campground, I learned and played.
That seven-year stretch gave me the opportunity to get serious about mastering the ukulele (I can hear you giggle). I have to tell you, the ukulele is an amazingly versatile instrument with enough depth and breadth for everything from the classical repertoire to jazz, rock, and pop music. Getting serious also meant learning more about music theory, writing my own arrangements, mastering hundreds of popular songs, and tutoring a dozen students.
When I picked up the uke at age 60, I thought it would be a passing interest but, I was absolutely charmed by the instrument. For the next ten years, I turned to the Internet for lessons. I practiced through a variety of online courses, like Ukulele Underground, Uke Like the Pros, The Ukulele Way, and Ukulele Corner Academy (to which I still subscribe).
I viewed hundreds of YouTube video tutorials, studied music lesson books, worked with a local music teacher, and even joined a local ukulele group. I think one of the most surprising things I have discovered during this “learning adventure”, is that helping others learn to play the ukulele is one of the great joys in my life. So, I am sharing what I have learned and encouraging you to give it a go!

When my grandson was about three years old, he vacationed with us at the beach. When he later visited with us at our coastal-decorated home, he said I wasn't just a "regular" nana, I was a "beach nana"! The name stuck and I have been Beach Nana ever since. My grandson is now seventeen years old and I am proud "Nana" to seven wonderful "grands" who vacation with us at the beach every year.