Uke Navigator Blog
You’ll find lots of helpful tips about learning to play the ukulele as well as insights about practice, equipment, and music theory. From fundamentals to fingerstyle, we’ll explore it all!
The Difference Between Major and Minor Chords
Majors and Minors are more about the sound than anything else. They provide different “colors” to the music. But, there is a way to understand how they are formed. Here’s a brief overview!
Reading Tablature
Reading tablature is a skill any ukulele player can learn. Think of it as looking at notes and chords on the fretboard.
Where is the 7th Chord in the Chord Family Lineup?
In the Chord Family, we find a collection of chords that work well together. But what about 7th chords? They are found in so many songs, how do they fit into the chord family?
Learning to Play the Uke from YouTube
Ever wonder if you could actually learn to play the ukulele from YouTube videos? Here’s my own experience.
Setting Up a Practice Session
How long should I practice my ukulele and what should I practice?